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Affinity Agreement: BMW Lyndhurst brings great value to CGF members (2013-08-13)

Article by CGF Research Institute

In 2004, CGF Research Institute (Pty) Ltd (CGF) opened its doors to assist boards of directors and their executive management to understand the broad impacts of corporate governance, and the likely impacts they could expect if they failed to embrace its various disciplines.
Nowadays, the business areas that are affected by corporate governance goes well beyond a mere ‘tick-box’ exercise; and complying with good governance and being seen to be a ‘decent corporate citizen’ takes a lot more thought and application.

Regrettably there are many companies who still believe that ‘good governance’ is only a five-minute discussion and that it should simply be mentioned somewhere in the company’s reporting to appease the stakeholders.  To exacerbate matters, the same class of people believes governance is an “unnecessary burden to business” and its operations; that there is no tangible value attached to its practices and that any governance efforts are a “liability to the company’s bottom line”.  This naïve thinking could not be further from the truth.  As compared to the new-generation’s thinking, those with the outdated belief that a company exists solely for profit making -- and such where there is disregard for human and environmental balances -- are certainly destined for massive change which many companies may not be able to withstand.

However, forward thinking companies and their executive leaders understand the need for a balanced approach to business, furthermore the critical need to measure themselves against the profit, people and environmental components of their businesses.  To the extent that many countries have begun to introduce stringent business governance requirements -- including consumer rights and protection -- South African consumers are fast becoming one of the most empowered in the world and are increasingly expecting better governance from companies.

And so it is with immense pride to announce that CGF has signed an Affinity Partnership Agreement with BMW Lyndhurst, who not only understand the importance of good governance and balanced reporting, but also believe in going beyond the call of duty for their customers.  It goes without saying how excited we are to be partnering with BMW Lyndhurst, who are renowned for their customer service excellence.  Through this affinity partnership, all CGF’s clients and members will be entitled to receive preferential rates on any of BMW Lyndhurst’s products for which they are interested to purchase (subject to the usual Terms & Conditions).

Throughout all the negotiations with CGF, BMW Lyndhurst was most accommodating and it was clearly evident that both parties wanted the very best for CGF’s clients and members. Most encouraging was the speed of their due diligence processes, including their immediate understanding and support of CGF’s affinity partnership applications.  Understandably, CGF is elated with BMW Lyndhurst’s support and we fully expect this relationship to bring great value to all our clients and members.

As CGF carefully selects more affinity partners, it is envisaged through CGF’s mobile cellphone application – Governance Connect® – that a growing number of people who are connected with CGF across the country will begin to benefit from the preferential rates being afforded to them.
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